Governor Hassan Joho admitted to hospital

Governor Hassan Joho on the hospital bed. [Photo/Daily Nation]

Governor Hassan Joho admitted to hospital

The Governor of Mombasa County Ali Hassan Joho has been admitted to hospital, his communication director Richard Chacha confirms.

Chacha said the county boss is battling malaria.

Joho has now been in the hospital for the last five days.

However, the situation is not critical and the county boss will be discharged today.

He chides that after the Kibra by-election win he even feels much better.

“Once I heard that we won in Kibra, my strength improved all of a sudden,” Joho said from his hospital bed.

While hospital Joho was visited by Kwale Senator Issa Boy, Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir former Nigeria Head of State Olusegun Obasanjo who was attending a Cities Development Forum at Vipingo, Kilifi county.