Viusasa Packages and Rates
About Viusasa
Viusasa is a subscription video on demand service accessible through the Viusasa mobile app. The service offers video, music and live tv channels. To access VIUSASA, you must register (open an account) and then pay (subscribe) for any of the available packages.
You can also read
How to join Viusasa for artists/partners
How to Submit Content to Viusasa Via Email
How to Download, Install, Join and use Viusasa
Viusasa currently offers short-form video entertainment and information content, music videos and audio and TV content in English, Swahili and vernacular languages.
The benefits to content producers include:
- Content distribution avenues through our customized delivery platform.
- Extensive marketing and promotion through our media partners, including above the line, below the line and digital activity.
- Content monetization based on a revenue share model through subscription.
- Customer management including billing.
- Secure storage the content to guard against unauthorized access.
- Insights into consumer viewership trends.
You can download the Viusasa Android application here.
You can download the Viusasa iPhone application here
Viusasa Packages and Rates
ViuSasa Rates
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