5 Essentials for a cleaner house

An image of a cleaning kit

5 Essentials for a cleaner house

You have probably had a busy week and haven’t had the time to do thorough cleaning in your house and you are wondering where you should start from.

A home is easier to clean if you are armed with the right cleaning supplies. This does not mean that you need a custom-made tool or specially formulated solution for each type of surface. A few basics and sometimes is a good place to start the clean house journey.

A Broom, Dustpan and Mop

If you have any hard surfaces like wood, tile, cork, and linoleum, you will need a broom, dustpan and mop to get them clean.

By having these essentials, cleaning becomes an easier task as you don’t have to hustle for the necessary equipment.

Microfiber Cloths

Getting a few of these to keep on hand can boost your cleaning power. Microfiber can often get surfaces clean on its own or with just a little water, and shouldn’t scratch or leave streaks behind they also happen to be great for windows.

Microfiber is manufactured synthetically from fine strands of porous fibres that pull in dust particles and debris. They are perfect for wiping, cutting through grease, dusting and scrubbing. They are also long-lasting and dry very quickly.

Multi-purpose cleaning solution

Cleaning solutions help to remove all the hard stains and grease that might have accumulated on a surface. For you to keep a clean home, you need this. The other reason why it has to be multipurpose is that you might consider using it on a different surface hence helps you to cut on costs.

You can also find a DIY formula online and this can help you save some money.

Also Read: 5 ways to keep your pantry organized

Window cleaners

You have cleaned the interior of the house so what about the windows. A home with sparkling windows look much neater and appealing to anyone who visits.

Invest in a good window cleaner solution and keep your windows clean. Thank me later for these amazing tips.

A bucket

Invest in a good bucket just for cleaning purposes. You probably don’t want to use a cleaning bucket for personal hygiene use.

Getting a good bucket designed for that purpose also helps you maintain a good hygiene regiment for yourself.