List of All National Parks in Kenya And Their Locations

A peek inside the Amboseli and other National Parks in Kenya.

The Tsavo National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service

List of All National Parks in Kenya And Their Locations

The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) is a state organ under the Ministry of Tourism mandated to manage wildlife on behalf of the Kenyan public.

There are 20 national parks in Kenya that are public property managed by the KWS.

The KWS also manages a number of national reserves, marine parks, orphanages, and sanctuaries.

The following are the national parks found in Kenya;

1. Tsavo West National Park

    1. The Tsavo West National Park in Taita Taveta County is a sprawling chunk of wilderness occupying at least 7,000 square kilometers of land.
    2. The park’s location is equidistant from Kenya’s 2 biggest cities Nairobi and Mombasa, being approximately 245 kilometers from each.
    3. The Tsavo West National Park can be accessed at Manyani Gate from Mombasa, Chyulu Gate from Amboseli, and Mtito Andei Gate from Nairobi.
    4. 3 airstrips have been set up inside the park to enable visitors to fly in directly.
    5. Tsavo West National Park is home to the following wildlife;
        1. The Big cats such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs.
        2. Elephants
        3. Zebras
        4. Wild dogs
        5. Buffalos
        6. Rhinos
        7. Giraffe
        8. Crocodiles
        9. Mongoose
        10. Over 600 bird species
        11. Lesser kudus
        12. Dik-dik
    6. One of the most fascinating sights is the gushing waters of Mzima Springs and the Shetani Lava flows.


Inside the Tsavo West National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


Also read: 5 Best National Parks and Reserves in Kenya



2. Amboseli National Park

    1. Amboseli is one of the most popular national parks and tourist destinations in Kenya.
    2. Situated in Kajiado County, Amboseli benefits from its proximity to Mount Kilimanjaro which is the highest point in Africa.
    3. The following wildlife are found in Amboseli National Park;
        1. The Big cats such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs.
        2. Elephants
        3. Zebras
        4. Wild dogs
        5. Buffalos
        6. Rhinos
        7. Giraffe
        8. Crocodiles
        9. Mongoose
        10. Over 600 bird species
        11. Lesser kudus
        12. Dik-dik
    4. On the edges of the park is the world-famous Maasai community where you can get to experience their thrilling cultural antics.
    5. Amboseli National Park is open every day from 6 AM to 7 PM.


Ostriches inside the Amboseli. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service

3. Tsavo East National Park

    1. Tsavo East National Park also located in Taita Taveta County is much larger than Tsavo West measuring in excess of 13,000 square kilometers.
    2. Tsavo East National Park offers a breathtaking view of the 300-kilometer Yatta Plateau and an abundance of wildlife.
    3. You can access Tsavo National Park through the Mtito Andei Gate about 233 kilometers south of Nairobi and 250 kilometers north of Mombasa.
    4. It can also be accessed via Sala Gate using the western road from Malindi town.
    5. The following wildlife are found in Amboseli National Park;
        1. The Big cats such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs.
        2. Elephants
        3. Zebras
        4. Wild dogs
        5. Buffalos
        6. Rhino
        7. Waterbucks
        8. Lesser Kudu
        9. Gerenuk
        10. Hirola


The Tsavo National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


4. Lake Nakuru National Park

    1. Lake Nakuru National Park is situated on the floor of the spectacular Great Rift Valley.
    2. The park also includes the Lake Nakuru ecosystem surrounded by woody and bushy grasslands.
    3. You can access the Lake Nakuru National Park by driving 156 Kilometers northwest of Nairobi along the Nairobi – Nakuru Highway.
    4. The main gate is located just 4 kilometers from Nakuru Town.
    5. Naishi Airstrip is located inside the park for tourists and KWS services.
    6. The main attraction of the Lake Nakuru National Park is Flamingo bird viewing.
    7. The park also has other attractions including white rhinos and the Makalia Waterfalls.


Lake Nakuru National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


5. Meru National Park

    1. The Meru National Park is a parcel of a sprawling jungle, coursing rivers, swamps, and grasslands.
    2. Some of the big attractions at the Meru National Park are;
        1. Grevy’s Zebras
        2. Elephants
        3. Hartebeests
        4. Pythons
        5. Puff adder
        6. Bohor reedbucks
        7. Cobras
        8. Buffalos
        9. More than 400 recorded species of birds.
        10. Views of Mount Kenya
    3. You can access Meru National Park through the Nairobi – Nyeri – Nanyuki – Meru Highway which is 348 kilometers.
    4. You can also access via Embu to Ura Gate which is 290 kilometers from Nairobi.


Meru National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


6. Nairobi National Park

    1. The Nairobi National Park boosts Nairobi’s profile by being the only capital and major city in the world having wildlife.
    2. The priceless view of extensive grasslands against the backdrop of Nairobi’s Skycrappers is the biggest attraction at the park.
    3. Some of the attractions at Nairobi National Park are;
        1. The Big cats such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs.
        2. Hyenas
        3. Zebras
        4. Giraffes
        5. Buffalos
        6. The endangered Black Rhino
        7. More than 400 recorded species of birds.
        8. Picnics and campsites.


Nairobi National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


7. Sibiloi National Park

    1. Sibiloi is located on the sidelines of Lake Turkana.
    2. Christened as the Cradle of Mankind, Sibiloi is the location of world-famous archeological sites such as Koobi Fora.
    3. Excavation of fossils from these sites has helped a great deal in understanding the evolution of humans.
    4. The park is largely a semi-desert environment with highrise features such as the Sibiloi volcanic mountain.
    5. Sibiloi National Park is marked as a major breeding area for the Nile Crocodile.
    6. Other attractions in the Sibiloi National Park include;
        1. Grant Gazelles
        2. Zebras
        3. Stripped hyenas
        4. Leopards and Lions
        5. Cheetahs
        6.  Beisa Oryx
        7. Greater kudu
    7. The park is 800 kilometers north of Nairobi.
    8. There are 2 airstrips inside the park for visitors.


Sibiloi National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


8. Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park

    1. Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park is a montane forest around a small mountain.
    2. The most notable attractions at the park are the different bird species and the spectacular view of Mount Kenya.
    3. Some of the birds inside the park include;
        1. White-browed sparrow weaver
        2. Grey-headed sparrow weaver
        3. African pied wagtail
        4. Mourning dove
        5. African hawk-eagle
    4. The park’s ecosystem is dominated by buffalos. Other wildlife available include;
        1. Bushbucks
        2. Leopards
        3. Olive baboons
        4. Porcupines
        5. Pythons
        6. Colobus monkey
    5. The park is located 85 kilometers northeast of Nairobi via Thika and Donyo towns.


Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service.

Also read: List of National Reserves in Kenya and Their Locations

9. Marsabit National Park

    1. In the middle of the Northern Kenya desert land is a densely forested mountain.
    2. This is the Marsabit National Park which has 3 crater lakes inside.
    3. Some of the wildlife attractions at the Marsabit National Park include;
        1. The huge tusked bull elephants
        2. Buffalo
        3. Hyena
        4. Grevy’s Zebra
        5. Kirk’s dik-dik
        6. Reticulated giraffe
        7. Lions, leopards, and baboons.
    4. Marsabit National Park is located 560 kilometers north of Nairobi and 263 kilometers from Isiolo.
    5. You can also land at the Marsabit Airstrip which is just 4 kilometers from the park’s main gate.


Marsabit National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service.


10. Mount Elgon National Park

    1. Mount Elgon National Park is an expansive wilderness in western Kenya.
    2. The most distinctive feature is the towering Mt. Elgon on which sits a vast caldera.
    3. One of the biggest attractions at the park is the magnificent elephant caves.
    4. Wildlife available at the park include;
        1. Elephants
        2. Bushbuck
        3. Red Duiker
        4. Buffalo
        5. Antelopes
        6. Several bird species


Mt. Elgon National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


11. Saiwa Swamp National Park

    1. Saiwa Swamp National Park is famed as a sanctuary of the rare Sitatunga Antelope.
    2. The endangered antelope thrives in a semi-aquatic environment and can be seen hanging out in the swampy park.
    3. Another attraction at the Saiwa National Park is the also rare De Brazza’s monkey.
    4. The park also has an abundance of birdlife including water birds such as the lesser jacana.
    5.  Saiwa Swamp is the epitome of nature’s finest with dense riverine forest, exotic flowers, woodlands, and tropical wetlands.
    6. The park is also small in size measuring 3 square kilometers.
    7. The Saiwa Swamp National Park is 22 kilometers out of Kitale town in Trans-Nzoia County.
    8. You can access the Saiwa Gate via a 5-kilometer murram road from the Kipsaina junction.



The Sitatunga Antelope in Saiwa Swamp National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


12. Ruma National Park

    1. Ruma National Park stands on the flat floor of the Lambwe River Valley.
    2. Ruma National Park is the only sanctuary of the Roan Antelope.
    3. It is also known for hosting a globally endangered bird, the white swallow.
    4. Ruma National Park is also known for its large snake population.
    5. Some of the snakes living in the park include;
        1. Eastern Green Mamba
        2. African Spitting Cobra
        3. Python
        4. Puff adder
        5. Forest Cobra
        6. Black-mouthed Mamba
    6. You can also view other wildlife such as;
        1. Black and white rhino
        2. Leopard
        3. Buffalo
        4. Vervet monkey
        5. Impala
        6. Burchell′s zebra
        7. Hyena
        8.  Jackson’s hartebeest
    7. Ruma National Park is located 42 kilometers from Homabay town in Ndhiwa, Homabay county.


Ruma National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


13. Mount Kenya National Park

    1. Mount Kenya National Park is a protected area surrounding the second tallest point in Africa, Mount Kenya.
    2. The park is defined by glaciers, dense forests, wilderness, and alpine vegetation.
    3. Some of the attractions at Mount Kenya National Park include;
        1. Mountain climbing
        2. Camping
        3. Leopards
        4. Bongo
        5. Elephants
        6. Bushbucks
    4. The Park is located 175 kilometers from Kenya’s capital Nairobi.
    5. You can access it through Nanyuki-Isiolo or Nyeri-Nanyuki highways.
    6. The park is also accessible from the Embu-Meru via Chogoria.


Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


14. Ndere Island National Park

    1. Ndere Island is located on Lake Victoria in Kenya.
    2. The park is famous for its vast bird population.
    3. Some of the attractions at the Ndere Island National Part include;
        1. A glimpse of Kampala city in Uganda
        2. Hippos
        3. Nile crocodile
        4. Baboons
        5. Sitatunga antelopes
        6. Waterbucks
        7. Zebras
        8. Warthogs
        9. Spectacular view of the Homabay hills
        10. Over 100 bird species
    4. You can take a direct boat ride from Kisumu City to reach the park in 45 minutes.
    5. Ndere Island National Park is also accessible through the Kisumu-Bondo Road via Kombewa shopping center or Holo Market.


Ndere Island National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


15. South Island National Park

    1. Located on Lake Turkana, the South Island National Park is a major bird destination in the country.
    2. The end-to-end volcanic ash-covered park is both a hosting and breeding area for migrant European birds and other species.
    3. Some of the birds available at the South Island National Park are;
        1.  Goliath heron
        2. African skimmer
        3. African open-billed stork
        4. Duck and Gulls
        5. swallow-tailed kites
    4. Other attractions include;
        1. A high crocodile density
        2. Saw-scaled viper
        3. Puff adder
        4. Cobra.
        5. Huge Nile perch
        6. Large tilapia.
        7. Pufferfish
    5. You can access Lake Turkana by air due to the presence of 2 all-weather airstrips in the area.
    6. You can also travel by road to Kalokol which is on the western shores of Lake Turkana.
    7. To reach Kalokol, you have to travel to Kitale and then Lodwar.
    8. Boat rides are available at Kalokol.


South Island National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


16. Chyulu Hills National Park

    1. Chyulu Hills National Park is a host of forested hills in Kibwezi Kenya.
    2. Inside the green jungle of Chyulu Hills, you get a chance of interacting with a variety of wildlife.
    3. Some of the wildlife attractions at the national park include;
        1. Buffalo
        2. Bushbucks
        3. Elands
        4. Elephants
        5. Leopards
        6. Bush pigs
        7. Giant forest hogs
        8. Reedbucks
        9. Giraffe
        10. Black mamba
        11. Rock Python
        12. Puff adder
    4. Other attractions at Chyulu Hills National Park include;
        1. Mountain climbing
        2. Horse riding
        3. Bird watching
        4. Camping
    5. You can visit Chyulu Hills National Park through the Nairobi-Mombasa highway.
    6. Take a right turn off the Mombasa highway (coming from Nairobi) at the Kibwezi signpost.
    7. You can jet-direct into the national parks on any of its 2 airstrips.


Chyulu Hills National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


17. Kora National Park

    1. Kora National Park is a chunk of sprawling wilderness along River Tana.
    2. Some of the attractions at the park include;
        1. Adamson’s Falls
        2. Grand Falls
        3. Birdlife
        4. George Adamson’s grave (Adamson was a Kenyan wildlife conservationist)
        5. Inselbergs
        6. Kora rapids
    3. Kora National Park is located 280 kilometers northeast of Nairobi.
    4. You can visit by driving through Thika and Mwingi towns before getting to Kyuso village.


The Adamson’s Bridge inside Kora National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


18. Aberdare National Park

    1. The Aberdare National Park is known for its signature forested ravines and spectacular waterfalls.
    2. Aberdare National Park is home to the following wild animals;
        1. Elephants
        2. Black and white colobus monkeys
        3. Leopards
        4. Buffalos
        5. Black rhinos
        6. Leopards
        7. Spotted hyenas
        8. Warthogs
        9. Olive baboons
        10. Giant forest hog
        11. Bongo
        12. African wild cat
        13. Over 250 bird species
    3. The park is also a popular spot for camping and trout fishing.
    4. 150 kilometers from Nairobi, the park is accessible via road from Nyeri-Nyahuru Road.
    5. You can access it by air through the Mweiga Airstrip along Nyeri-Nyahururu Road.


Aberdare National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


Also read: List of Marine National Parks in Kenya And Their Locations



19. Hells Gate National Park

    1. Hells Gate National Park sits on the Great Rift Valley in Kenya.
    2. The park is named after the vigorous geothermal activity inside.
    3. Some of the attractions in the Hells Gate National Park;
        1. African buffalo
        2. Hartebeest
        3. Zebra
        4. Eland
        5. Thomson’s gazelle
        6. Klipspringer antelope
    4. Hells Gate is 90 kilometers from Nairobi and is accessible via Naivasha town.


Hells Gate National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service


20. Central Island National Park

    1. Central Island National Park is located inside the largest desert lake in the world, Lake Turkana.
    2. Some of the attractions at the Central Island National Park include;
        1. 3 active volcanoes belching sulphurous fumes and steam.
        2. 3 crater lakes; Flamingo Lake, Crocodile Lake, and Tilapia Lake.
        3. Nile crocodile breeding ground
    3. You can access Lake Turkana by air due to the presence of 2 all-weather airstrips in the area.
    4. You can also travel by road to Kalokol which is on the western shores of Lake Turkana.
    5. To reach Kalokol, you have to travel to Kitale and then Lodwar.
    6. Boat rides are available at Kalokol.


Central Island National Park. Picture/Kenya Wildlife Service