How To Pay For The KRA Tax Penalties via iTax.

How To Pay For The KRA Tax Penalties via iTax.
How To Pay For The KRA Tax Penalties via iTax.

How To Pay For The KRA Tax Penalties via iTax.

The Kenya Revenue Authority is the tax collection agency of Kenya. KRA requires that all tax payers should submit their tax returns by 30th June of every year. However due to some unavoidable circumstances you may miss the KRA tax return deadline and file late returns. If this happens KRA imposes tax penalties.

To pay your KRA tax  penalty:

  1. You need to know the penalty amount
  2. You need to have the said cash
  3. An active iTax account

To make a payment on iTax you are required to:

  1. Log in to your web portal account
  2. Select payment registration
  3. Select payment drop down menu
  4. Fill in the required details on the payment information page
  5. Submit and download the E-slip
  6. Use the PRN as your account number.