Family in agony after police officer shot dead a 2-year-old

Police car. [Photo/Mediamax ]

Family in agony after a police officer shot dead a 2-year-old

Sunday evening of September 8, will forever linger in the mind and heart of a family in Nairobi’s Kahawa West after their 2-year-oldĀ  toddler was shot dead by a police officer.

According to Citizen TV reporter, the police officer along with his colleagues had raided one of the Chang’aa dens in the area, before the law enforcer lost his cool and shot the toddler who was playing nearby.

When the police officers arrived at the den, a confrontation ensued and one of the sellers drew fire, unfortunately, one of the bullets hit the toddler who was pronounced dead upon arriving at the KiambuLevel Five hospital.

In July this year, a man in Elgeyo Marakwet also stormed his in-laws home and shot his three children.