Netizens praise Larry Madowo for exposing Anti-Finance Bill shootings

His blow-by-blow account of protestor Ericsson Mutisya's killing in front of parliament has been singled out as one of his finest pieces of reporting.

Netizens praise Larry Madowo for exposing Anti-Finance Bill shootings. Distinguished Kenyan journalist Larry Madowo. Picture/X
Distinguished Kenyan journalist Larry Madowo. Picture/X

Netizens praise Larry Madowo for exposing Anti-Finance Bill shootings


Key takeaways

    1. Larry Madowo serves as a CNN International Correspondent and hosts the African Voices Changemakers and Playmakers series.
    2. The top Kenyan journalist previously worked as a North American correspondent for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
    3. Larry Madowo has pitched camp in Kenya to cover the raging protests against the government of Kenya.
    4. The protests registered an early win as the popularly rejected Finance Bill 2024 was withdrawn.
    5. Kenyan protesters have swiftly changed their focus on the country’s top office, demanding a change in the presidency.



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Larry Madowo covers the historic #OccupyParliament protests in Kenya

As Kenyans closed in on the Parliament Buildings Larry Madowo was on standby alongside CNN crew to cover the crucial point in Kenya’s history.

Larry Madowo’s concise 3-minute coverage captures the intense clash between Kenyan police and marching protestors on Parliament Road in Nairobi.

CNN cameras narrowed the focus to a protestor in a white outfit in front of the crowd, dancing and chanting.

Gunshots and tear gas launchers would then rent the air before the protestors fled for safety.

Larry’s crew again trained their cameras on the white-clothed protester who now lay motionless on the floor.

Adjacent to him was another struggling protester who was nearly blown up when a bag with a smoke grenade detonated near him.

Another protestor lay on the tarmac with his head blown off with what is believed to be a sniper rifle.

The white-clothed protestor has since been identified as Ericsson Mutisya, a butcher in the city.

Erickson was momentarily carried across Larry’s camera frame and taken to the hospital where he was confirmed dead.



Netizens praise Larry Madowo for exposing Anti-Finance Bill shootings
Larry Madowo with the CNN crew in Nairobi recently. Picture/Courtesy



According to an autopsy report again obtained by Larry and his team, the 25-year-old butcher was fatally shot on his back.

Ericsson is one of the dozens of mostly young Kenyans who have lost their lives in the ongoing protests in Kenya.



“Larry Madowo doing the Lord’s Work”

The 36-year-old Larry Madowo is a respected journalist in Kenya, having worked in the country’s top media houses before joining BBC and now CNN.

His current work in Kenya has been widely regarded as exemplary, with a majority of Kenyan netizens satisfied with his coverage of the protests.

His blow-by-blow account of Ericsson Mutisya’s killing in front of parliament has been singled out as one of his finest pieces of reporting.



Netizens praise Larry Madowo for exposing Anti-Finance Bill shootings. Distinguished Kenyan journalist Larry Madowo. Picture/X
Distinguished Kenyan journalist Larry Madowo. Picture/X



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A visibly broken Larry Madowo maintained a somber tone throughout his coverage, depicting a grim picture of what had transpired in what was once peaceful, globally acclaimed protests.

One Kenyan on X remarked: “This man has embodied the definition of a journalist. Keep injecting Larry Madowo!!!”

Another user commented: “Let’s give Larry Madowo his flowers. I wasn’t familiar with his game!”