“Mimi Siko Soko” Aisha Jumwa Says She’s Still With Ruto

President William Ruto promised to work with Jumwa after recently firing her from his cabinet.

Former cabinet secretary Aisha Jumwa. Picture/Courtesy

“Mimi Siko Soko” Aisha Jumwa Says She’s Still With Ruto


Key takeaways

    1. Former gender cabinet secretary Aisha Jumwa has responded to unidentified individuals who have been taunting her with phone calls, asserting that she has not lost her position in government.
    2. Aisha addressed a crowd in the Malindi area alongside President Ruto and Governor Mung’aro of Kilifi County.
    3. The president, who recently fired her from the cabinet, promised to look after the Kilifi iron lady who did not make the list of his new nominees.



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Ruto’s unsettled cabinet

Ruto was forced to abandon the controversial Finance Bill 2024 and fire his cabinet after spirited protests that saw the invasion of parliament on June 25th.

Angry Kenyans most of them young people took to the streets demanding radical changes to the country’s leadership.

Now popular as Gen Z, young Kenyans have sustained protests leading to the unprecedented presidential action of dismissing the cabinet.

Members of the country’s top decision-making organ including Aisha Jumwa were sent packing, much to the delight of Gen Z.

The president, however, retained the prime cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, and deputy president Rigathi Gachagua.

The two are part of Kenya Kwanza government’s top brass and are considered principals of the coalition that came to power after winning the 2022 polls.

Ruto has announced his new cabinet nominees, who are set to undergo vetting in Parliament.



"Mimi Siko Soko" Aisha Jumwa Says She's Still With Ruto. A photo collage of former CSs Aisha Jumwa, Moses Kuria, and Susan Nakhumicha. The 3 missed reappointments to the cabinet. Picture/Courtesy
A photo collage of former CSs Aisha Jumwa, Moses Kuria, and Susan Nakhumicha. The 3 missed reappointments to the cabinet. Picture/Courtesy



Aisha Jumwa, Moses Kuria, and Ababu Namwamba did not appear in both the first and second batch of new nominees.

The unlucky former Cabinet Secretaries immediately seemed to be on the brink of political irrelevance.


Aisha Jumwa receives a political lifeline from President Ruto

The same cannot be said of Aisha Jumwa, who has received a major political boost from the president.

Infront of the president she declared “Nataka niwaambie wale ambao wananipigia pigia simu ati nimeachwa na rais. Mimi siko soko! Mimi niko ndani ya serikalini na sitatoka serikalini.”

In her statement, the former cabinet secretary and Malindi MP maintains that she helped form the current government, that she is in government, and will not leave government.

“I want to thank my sister Aisha Jumwa. I am telling residents of Kilifi, that Aisha is my sister and I will not abandon her,” said the president amid cheers from the residents.



"Mimi Siko Soko" Aisha Jumwa Says She's Still With Ruto. Ruto addresses Watamu residents in Kilifi County. Picture/Courtesy
Ruto addresses Watamu residents in Kilifi County. Picture/Courtesy



Aisha Jumwa also seemed to be responding to unidentified individuals who had been calling her, claiming that she had been abandoned by the president.

It is unclear whether the callers were courting her to cross and join their political camp(s) or were just taunting her for losing her lucrative cabinet slot.



"Mimi Siko Soko" Aisha Jumwa Says She's Still With Ruto. Former cabinet secretary Aisha Jumwa. Picture/Courtesy
Former cabinet secretary Aisha Jumwa. Picture/Courtesy



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Shortly after conducting a major shakeup of his government, Ruto has been traversing the country giving assurances that he will protect the nation, its people, and property.

His countrywide tour took him to the coastal county of Kilifi where he was flanked by Aisha Jumwa and other local leaders.

Ruto also pledged to work with other coastal politicians including new cabinet secretary nominees Ali Hassan Joho and Salim Mvurya.