St Johns Ambulance: 24hrs Ambulance Services

St Johns Ambulance: 24hrs Ambulance Services
St Johns Ambulance: 24hrs Ambulance Services

St Johns Ambulance: 24hrs Ambulance Services

St John Ambulance is available round the clock, 24/7 for casualties in need of critical evacuation during emergencies and disasters. They also provide hospital ambulance transfers and standby ambulance and paramedics and first aiders at events.

Calls for St John’s ambulance service are prioritized into emergency and non-emergency response categories to ensure life-threatening cases receive the quickest response.

Emergency response is free of charge e.g. in case of unconsciousness, blocked airway (choking), difficulty breathing and severe bleeding. Evacuations for all emergency and disasters like road crash, fire, collapsed building, and terror attacks are also offered free of charge.

Non-emergency services like hospital-hospital transfer and event standby services however attracts a small charge depending on distance and event duration respectively.

They ensure seriously ill and injured patients are treated as quickly as possible, and patients will always be taken to hospital when there is a medical need for this.

Personal Ambulance Evacuation Scheme

Subscribe for our 24/7 ambulance evacuation cover from as low as 1,200/=. Its never been this easy, just three simple test and you will be good to go!

From your mobile phone, simply dial *415*06# and follow 3 easy steps to signup. In case of detailed inquiries, you can e-mail our ambulance subscription support on Or Call our office on 0721 611 555.