Facts about C-Section births

A happy pregnant woman

Facts about C-Section births

A Cesarean section (C-section) is a procedure for delivering a baby through abdominal and uterine incisions. C-sections are sometimes scheduled in advance for various pregnancy complications, such as breech presentation or maternal high blood pressure.

Emergency C-sections, which aren’t scheduled before labour begins, might occur as a life-saving measure for the mother or baby. They’re often necessary if the baby is in distress the labour isn’t progressing normally, or the doctor detects a placenta problem.

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How long does a C-section take? From the time the incision is made, the baby can be delivered in as little as two minutes or as long as half an hour, depending on the circumstances.

Common C-section side effects include cramping, nausea, weakness, and fatigue. It may be uncomfortable to cough, sneeze, or even laugh. The area around your incision will be tender for the first few weeks and you should watch it closely. If it becomes very red or inflamed, or if you start running a fever, call your doctor, since this could be a sign of infection.

Most women notice that their actual scar is numb from the nerves being cut, but this numbness should go away over the next few months. Your scar will continue to get lighter and look better with time, and eventually, it’ll fade to almost the colour of your skin.

Although a Cesarean birth is a major surgery, it is a very common procedure and usually, there are no complications. There are, however, a few risks women should be aware of:

  • A wound infection can occur five to 10 percent of the time.
  • There’s a very small risk of blood clots or a hole in the bladder.
  • There are potential problems for subsequent pregnancies. For example, placenta previa is more common in women who have had a prior C-section.
  • There’s a chance of scar tissue build up on the uterus after a Cesarean birth. This isn’t typically a problem with women who have one or two C-sections, but if you’re planning on having a large family, the scar tissue can build up and, in severe cases, the mother may have to have her uterus removed after giving birth.