5 Signs of iron deficiency in women

5 Signs of iron deficiency in women

Low iron, also called iron deficiency anaemia, may cause vague symptoms at first, making it hard to recognize there’s a problem. Women are particularly susceptible to the condition.

Low iron happens when your body doesn’t have enough iron to produce haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a protein that gives red blood cells their colour and helps carry oxygen through your body. If you lose a lot of blood or don’t produce enough haemoglobin, your body doesn’t get the oxygen it needs and symptoms may occur.

What are some of these symptoms?

Increasing fatigue

This is the most common symptom of low iron and possibly one of the least taken seriously. Fatigue is a symptom of many conditions, and with all the demands on your time, it may be the norm for you.


Pale skin is skin that is lighter in colour than normal. While some people are naturally fair-skinned, if your skin becomes obviously lighter and stays that way, your iron may be low.

You should always look at your hands and nails if they start becoming too white, you may be anaemic.


Dizziness is one of those symptoms relative to the person experiencing it. the experience can be uncomfortable and can be a sign of low iron.

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Headaches may occur anywhere on your head and be mild or severe. Easily mistaken as a sign of something else, such as stress or hormonal changes, they are an early symptom of low iron.

Difficulty concentrating

If you find yourself in a brain fog more often than not, it may be due to something other than your busy schedule or hormonal changes. When your brain persistently doesn’t get enough oxygen, it can’t function at its peak.